Our History
Gilbert Charles Lamb, having served an apprenticeship at Chaplin Signworks in Norwich formed Lamb’s Signs in 1935, making it the most established sign manufacturer in the eastern region. Mr Lamb by all accounts was one of the most talented sign writers in Norwich producing artistic and quality hand painted signs for numerous businesses in East Anglia.
Lamb’s Signs was the first sign business in this region to use Perspex (acrylic) as a sign making material, enabling more durable signs and for the first time internal illumination. It was during these years Lamb’s Signs grew considerably from its premises in Colegate, providing signs for such companies as Jewsons, Start-
In 1990 the partnership was dissolved with Chris Allen taking total control. Lamb’s Signs continued to expand, designing, manufacturing and installing signage for many prestigious companies covering a far greater area, such as all Nokia Telecommunications offices and Happy Shopper supermarkets in the eastern Region. With continued growth and preparation for more it was decided Lamb’s Signs should become incorporated and subsequently from 2002 began trading as Lamb’s Signs Limited with Chris Allen becoming Managing Director.
It became clear Lamb’s Signs Ltd could no longer operate efficiently from the original Colegate premises and the decision was made in 2003 to purchase a brand new purpose built industrial unit, with clear benefits of extra space, ease of access, customer parking and for the first time a complete indoor vehicle graphic application bay, catering for anything from small vans to coaches, ensuring a vital controlled environment.
Today Lamb’s Signs enjoys near perfect working conditions, with the introduction of a CNC router, large format digital printer, diamond edge polisher and pre-set line bender. All projects can be undertaken with confidence knowing that with the machinery on hand can produce quality items time and time again.
Since moving Lamb’s Signs Ltd has supplied vehicle livery for a 300 strong van fleet, point of sale products sited in Homebase, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Wickes and most recently in WH Smith. Although national work is a great achievement, Lamb’s Signs continues to supply local businesses with smaller projects and never forgets it was this type of work which enabled the growth in the first place! All projects large and small are given the same level of attention with no favoured priority.
Chris Allen has no plans for further expansion at present and is only too aware of similar businesses where large expansion has taken place at the cost of quality and efficiency and in some cases total demise.
Lamb’s Signs Ltd. intends to keep with the winning formula of offering the unique blend of genuine advice, experience based on both pre-